
hi-res scanning,

graphic design & typo-art)




Duffy script extra bold (Shinn type)





The Truth in Russia


Typeface: GaramondJannonKis...



Typeface: Futura Black BT. Picture: Arnold Newman 1942.



Amsterdam, by Paulum Matthiae, ed. 1609.




Find the real Bodoni...



'Beware of the lazy dogs...'








(picture: sybrand-new-images.nl)




The origin of the Jenson, Doves Press, Doves Type Pro & Centaur




The evolution of the g

Eggs with a smell...


The Dutch Donald


A brand-new-Face, wrong character, not-my-type...




Earth on Fire




Perspex #1. Contact us when you want to solve a TypoGraphic problem:eps to font-outlines, complex logo's, ornaments, kerning, calligraphy etc. etc.



After a special treatment Perspex #1 becomes Perspex #4



Stop Smoking







What was the inspiration? Fonts by Van den Keere, Kis or Granjon?



A good example of type-modification: from Bodoni six to seventy two (ITC).



Forum by Frederick Goudy, inspired by Roman Caps (Goudy once said: 'Some of those old guys stole our best ideas...')



A forgotten Didone on Filmletter, not quite a succes...



Amsterdam 1718 Speelreis langs de Vechtstroom

A big Italic, about 24 pts, probably by Nikolas Kis, below the fine Roman.




Monotype Garamont in Het Boek der Kuskens, printed bij A.A.M. Stols at Maastricht.


Illustrations by Eppo Doeve. Christmas gift of Ruari McLean and George Rainbird in 1954. Bembo 24 pt, printed by the Curwen Press.



Ballade van de 100 Vrijers (Kees Stip, uitg. Boucher) Romulus of Jan van Krimpen (Enschede)



Enschede Type Foundry Specimen


DTL version of the Romulus



The Meidoorn character by S.H. de Roos (LA)



New Alphabet by Timothy Epps and D. Christopher Evans (Quadraatblad Steendrukkerij De Jong)



Fabulae Aesopi printed in 1609 in Amsterdam (complete, Greek and Latin, schoolbook)



Demos, Gerard Unger, one of the first digital typefaces



Typeface: Grotius. Printed by Charles Nypels at Maastricht 1927.



Perpetua by Eric Gill.


Arcadia, poem by Slauerhoff. Typeface: Lutetia by Jan van Krimpen.


Rudolph Koch's Neuland by Klingspor type foundry




BIFUR by Cassandre (Deberny & Peignot)

The Augustijn Roman no. 6 attributed to Peter Schoeffer van Gernsheim (Enschede Type Foundry)



Ampersands collected by Jan Tschichold

Italian Direct Mail 1906



The making of Caecilia by Peter Mathias Noordzij (brochure Lecturis)



Every young typographer has a good start with the Helvetica...